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Deputy Sheriff - (Iowa City, IA)

The Johnson County Civil Service Commission will conduct periodic testing of candidates for the position of Deputy Sheriff on April 13th, 2019. Starting wage is $23.39/hour plus outstanding benefits. Deputies enforce controlling federal/state statutes and county ordinances established to protect life and property, providing general assistance to the public regarding criminal and civil matters, and interacts with citizens providing details, issuing citations and arrest warrants, and serving legal notices. High-school graduate or equivalent required. Associate's degree in a related position and previous law enforcement, correctional, security, and/or military experience wanted. Special qualifications: Must pass a experience investigation. Valid driver's license., safe driving history, and insurable under County liability coverage. Within 6 months of hire, must reside in Johnson County or within a twenty-mile radius of the Johnson County Sheriff's Office.


Posted in Iowa City, IA, Security
From Recruitology - 1 month ago