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Software Quality Engineer 3 - (Cincinnati, OH)

Northrop Grumman Xetron in Cincinnati, Ohio has a current opening for a Software Quality Engineer three to support multiple programs. The successful applicant will implement software quality standards across multiple programs. Will perform program product and process audits. Will ensure that project and process control documentation are in accordance with contract requirements, program planning and NG policies, processes and procedures. Will review software design, code and unit test, integration, change specifications, and plans for contractual and/or process requirements. Assignments include but are not limited to: * Develop, modify, apply and maintain quality evaluation plans to assist program activities for processing software and materials into partially finished or finished product. - Demonstrated ability in the collection of software data and metrics for reporting. - Certified in lean and six:sigma quality engineering methodologies.


Posted in Cincinnati, OH, Technical Support
From Tip Top Job - 1 month ago