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Active Duty Army Soldier - (Irving, TX)

Joining the Army! Enlistment is the process of taking an oath of U.S. Army service and becoming a Soldier. During this process, you will talk to a recruiter, attend Basic Combat Training (BCT), and choose your Army job then attending advanced individual training (AIT). Recruits will generally take these 5 steps to become enlisted ?Take the Armed Forces Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB). Your score on this test will determine which Army jobs you are qualified to hold ?Pass an Army physical (similar to sports physical) ?Meet with a career counselor to discuss and accept your Army job ?Take an Oath of Enlistment ?Ship to Basic Combat Training After you have completed Basic Combat Training, you will then attend Advanced Individual Training (AIT) for specialized instruction in the Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) you have chosen (there are over 150 entry level positions!). Upon graduating AIT, you will receive orders to join your unit. GENERAL ENLISTMENT REQUIREMENTS* in the U.S. Army, you must be:


Posted in Irving, TX, Government
From PostJobFree - 1 month ago