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Warehouse Forklift Operator - (Fort Wayne, IN)

Warehouse Forklift Operator Primary Duties and Responsibilities: The Warehouse Forklift Operator's job functions and responsibilities are related to shifting goods and materials from 1 location to another. In addition, the Forklift Operator also has involvement in loading and unloading processes, as well as sorting and systematic handling of supplies. The Forklift Operators plays an essential role both in the Warehouse and at loading docks. Main Duties: Accountable for checking lifts prior to usage. Timely and accurate loading and unloading of route delivery trucks per ticket qualifications. Timely and accurate loading and unloading of tractor-trailer trucks. Responsible for general housekeeping to ensure that warehouse standards are met, and that the area is in safe, working condition. This may include sweeping, consolidation of product, facility maintenance, organizing products, and other tasks when necessary. Maintain the integrity of products through proper handling and storage.


Posted in Fort Wayne, IN, Transportation
From Get It, LLC - 1 month ago