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Real Estate Paralegal - (Mt Holly, NJ)

Solo-practice law firm in Willingboro is seeking a part-time Paralegal 15-20 hours a week to start, with potential for growth to 30 hours weekly. Duties: Conduct legal research, monitor and respond to client emails, writing correspondence with regard to Real Estate, Estate Administration, Wills, Simple Power of Attorney, and Advanced Directives. An understanding of legal concepts and strength with an autonomous working environment is absolutely necessary. Applicant should also have the expertise to oversee a case (especially Real Estate) from beginning to end, and other duties as assigned. MUST have at least 1 (1) year of legal/paralegal background in a law office or legal setting. Please do not apply if you do not fully understand Real Estate Transactions, otherwise email or fax your resume and introductory letter immediate consideration.


Posted in Mt Holly, NJ, Real Estate
From Get It, LLC - 1 month ago