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Off Shift Coordinator - (York, SC)

The Off Shift Coordinator will act as an onsite extension of the Onsite Manager and the HR function, managing all aspects of contingent workforce, to include business relationship development, supervision, and management of contingent employees. The Off Shift Coordinator will only be working on the weekends, Friday-Monday, from the hours of 6am-3pm to cover first and second shifts. Responsibilities: • Build and maintain strategic partnership through an extensive and detailed understanding of the business, strategic direction, processes, and policies. • Maintain close contact with the key principles to ensure highest level of satisfaction possible. • Build and maintain a talent pipeline that aligns with the needs and output requirement. • Comply with all operational standards and employment laws and regulations. Requirements: • one to three years of business background with a min of one in either supervising or Staffing • Expertise to multitask and effectively prioritize workload


Posted in York, SC, Real Estate
From WizeHire - 1 month ago