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Experienced Commercial Real Estate Entrepreneurs - P.A. Commercial - (Southfield, MI)

If you re ready for a change from the office politics of mainstream corporate real estate firms, come check us out. We're NOT your typical real estate firm. We ARE a team of highly educated, highly trained real estate professionals with diverse backgrounds in nearly every area of ability related to commercial real estate. Our team consists of a dozen real estate professionals, who also happen to be attorneys, CPAs, general contractors, property owners, and entrepreneurs and many of us have 25+ years of background in the industry. Equally important, we ve built a true collaborative working atmosphere designed to help everyone succeed. That s just the way we roll. We also believe in the importance of comradery amongst teammates, like the yearly golf classic where teams compete for bragging rights and the coveted office trophy, Pedal Bar Detroit on a beautiful summer afternoon and the holiday dinner at Parc in Campus Martius.


Posted in Southfield, MI, Real Estate
From Jobs2Careers - 1 month ago