Industrial Carpenters - (Lakeland, FL)
Need to hire several Industrial Form Carpenters, with background in Rebar & finishing Concrete. erect, install, and repair structures and fixtures of wood, plywood, metal studs, and drywall using carpenter's hand tools and power tools, while conforming to local building codes. Specific responsibilities: Helping install foundations, walls, floors, ceilings, and roofs using materials such as: wood, steel, metal, concrete, plastics, and composites of multipleScale benefits offered.......11- paid Holidays, 401-K, guaranteed 40 hrs, plus over time... These are longterm positions! If you have had any background in this industry please send me a resume or blurb about your background. Osha certified or experienced is also important. Great place to work!
From Get It, LLC - 1 month ago