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Nursing Recruiter (Part-time) - (Mishawaka, IN)

The School of Nursing is seeking a highly motivated part time Nursing Recruiter. The recruiter should be dynamic, outgoing and have good communication abilities. The recruiter will develop knowledge of the College and School of Nursing mission and programming and share that details accurately with others. Job qualifications include coordinating recruiting events in the community and communicating with prospective nursing students. A bachelor's degree in nursing or healthcare is preferred. The position is flexible at 15-18 hours/week. A college diploma is required and a experience in nursing or healthcare is preferred. Duties will include: Coordinates recruiting events with nursing recruitment coordinator and traditional, adult and graduate admission offices. Meets regularly with the DON, program coordinators, and nursing recruitment coordinator to ensure adequate representation at recruitment activities. Provides general details about nursing to prospective nursing students.


Posted in Mishawaka, IN, Human Resources
From ApplicantPro - 1 month ago