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Sales Representative - Freemont/Manistee/Ludington, MI - (Ludington, MI)

Mondelez International, Inc. empowers people to snack right in over 160 countries around the world. We're leading the future of snacking with iconic brands such as Oreo, belVita and LU biscuits; Cadbury Dairy Milk, Milka and Toblerone chocolate; Sour Patch Kids candy and Trident gum. Our 90,000 colleagues around the world are key to the success of our business. Great people and great brands. That's who we are. Join us on our mission to continue leading the future of snacking around the world by offering the right snack, for the right moment, made the right way. As a part of Sales, you'll put our customers at the heart of our business. By building strong relationships with every customer, big or small, you'll help Mondelz International become the supplier of choice and ensure we deliver world-class execution of our business plans in every store.


Posted in Ludington, MI, Sales
From Professional Diversity Network - 1 month ago