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Education / Teaching: Principal Transportation Modeler/Analyst - Philadelphia - (Philadelphia, PA)

Principal Transportation Engineer/Planner TRANSPORTATION ENGINEER / RESEARCH ANALYST IV (TE/RA IV) Job Recruitment #17-13 OPENING DATE: November 2017 COMPENSATION RANGE: Mid $70,000s to High $80,000s (position level & salary commensurate with education & experience) LOCATION: Office of Modeling and Analysis CLOSING DATE: When position is filled AREAS OF CONSIDERATION: All sources The Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC) is the Philadelphia region's Metropolitan Planning Organization. We believe DVRPC is a place to work, learn, and create a career in a professional and stimulating environment that values diversity, innovation, and bringing your best self to work. If your experience and experience match the following high level vacancy, we would like to hear from you.


Posted in Philadelphia, PA, Education
From LocalJobBoard - 1 month ago