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Baltimore/DC Suburbs Pain Management Position (Millersville,MD) - (Millersville, MD)

Baltimore/DC Suburbs Pain Management Position An Orthopedic Surgery Group in the Baltimore/DC Suburbs is adding another Pain Management Physician due to expanding needs of the practice. Established group of five Orthopedic Surgeons, one Pain Management Physician and one Podiatrist Position is to have a presence in each location, spending a day or two per week at each clinic site nine Clinic locations throughout the area Share coverage with the established Pain Management Physician Office based position doing interventional procedures Be busy very quickly from the large referral base from the orthopedic surgeons Group offers a base salary, RVU incentive plan and benefits package Profit sharing available after two years BB-1808-77647 Associated topics: ankle, foot, ortho, orthopedic, orthopedic surgery, replacement, spine, surgeon, surgery, trauma


Posted in Millersville, MD, Business & Management
From Jobs2Careers - 1 month ago