Hem/Onc practice in Grand Rapids, MI (Muskegon,MI) - (Muskegon, MI)
Hem/Onc practice in Grand Rapids, MI State-of-the-art Cancer Center joining 2 other Oncologists and a PA. Full service center with Radiation/Oncology on site. Active in Clinical Trials and Research Academic Affiliation Hospital employed offering a competitive pay, production & quality bonuses. Full solid benefits package. Epic EMR. As the center of a thriving region of more than 900,000 people, West Michigan combines the characteristics of a big city with the charm of a small town. A snapshot of the area's many fine attributes includes: a growing, diversified economic base; 4 beautiful seasons filled with just about any recreational activity imaginable; award-winning public and private schools and colleges; country, lakeside, urban, suburban and historical housing within minutes of downtown; museums, Broadway performances, operas, a symphony and ballet; close proximity to the state's more than 35,000 lakes; professional baseball, basketball
From Jobs2Careers - 1 month ago