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E-commerce Specialist - (Mission Viejo, CA)

Position description Must be proficient in Shopify platform. Assignments include but not limited to: Backup current website/apps to secure before theme change Make changes to new theme and assess changes go through each product/page/image to confirm everything was transferred over correctly re-edit every image to 1x1 dimension to guarantee photos are not lost or moved once theme is installed monthly export of product list* to analyze identify duplicates and to confirm which 1 is correct remove the items that are not correct * send updated list to identify any items that are no longer available or will not be re-purchased hide those items and cross check posts/photos throughout site and social to confirm they are not being marketed (max one hour) ongoing edits/changes/updates to products or website* for quick turnaround edit product info edit or load new products or product pictures add pages copywriting biography, blog posts, etc.


Posted in Mission Viejo, CA, IT & software development
From Jobs2Careers - 1 month ago