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Sports Medicine need in Maryville, MO (Sikeston,MO) - (Sikeston, MO)

Sports Medicine need in Maryville, MO Hospital is looking for a Primary Care physician with a Sports fellowship to work directly with an Orthopedic Surgeon. Applicant will be housed with the Orthopedic Surgeon and will handle most non-surgical Orthopedic cases. Applicant will provide care for local university and twelve high schools around the area. Compensation based on 50th/60th percentile for Sports Medicine, salary surveys + solid benefits. This family friendly, progressive community has a local population of 13K, with an additional 7K population related to the university. The area has a growing economy and a small-town feel that attracts families, professionals, and retirees. Enjoy a multitude of cultural events including art and music festivals. This is a great place to live, work and raise a family. Maryville is only 35 minutes from St. Joseph, MO. one hour to Kansas City. GB-1706-72914


Posted in Sikeston, MO, Salon & Fitness
From Jobs2Careers - 1 month ago