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Seasonal PLS Trainer (Palmyra,VA) - (Palmyra, VA)

PLS Trainers will provide professional development services around web-based learning solutions on a per diem basis. Territory available: Northern Virginia Responsibilities Provide high-quality professional development, modeling or consulting sessions for teachers, school administrators and district personnel as they become familiar with components of the web-based learning solution. Collaborate with school and district leaders to develop implementation timelines and plans. Collaborate together with implementation coordinators. Communicate effectively with internal teams such as implementation coordinators, account owners and RVP. Maintain accurate service records and complete all required documentation. Necessary skills and Background Master s degree in education, preferred. A min of 3yrs of teaching background. Background delivering professional development sessions and knowledge of adult learning, preferred.


Posted in Palmyra, VA, Education
From Jobs2Careers - 1 month ago