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Primary Investigator - (Atlanta, GA)

At the Atlanta Center for Medical Research, we are always looking for dedicated professionals to join our team. As a national leader in research studies since 1982, ACMR specializes in researching psychiatric illness medication for various major medicine companies. Our mission is simple to provide professional, conscientious research services that are pivotal in the advancement of medication of illnesses of the central nervous system. ACMR is looking for a full-time Primary Investigator to help us advance our commitment to medical research, thereby benefiting the development of safe and effective drug therapies for everyone. The ideal physician for this position would possess the following: Interest in research as a career Self-reliance Comfort with technology Approachability The position boasts a wealth of exciting opportunities! While becoming a part of 1 of the largest clinical researchers in the country, you ll be 1st in line to learn about new treatments!


Posted in Atlanta, GA, Security
From Jobs2Careers - 1 month ago