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Womens Imager (Pickerington,OH) - (Pickerington, OH)

We are currently working with an Outpatient Women's Imaging Center in Ohio that is seeking coverage one week per month starting in April. There are 3 imaging centers in the area and each week, the locum will cover all 3 locations, covering only 1 location each day. General Modalities Required include 100% screening and DX mammos. The estimated volume per day varies but could be between 25 and 50. Interventional procedures required include stereotactic and US guided biopsies and drainages and the estimated volume per day of those is 5. Candidates will be working 8:00am to 5:00pm with an hour for lunch. There is no call or weekend schedule and candidates will be working solo. There is a possibility of perm/employment at the end of this assignment. Dates Needed: Starting in April Hours Per Day: 8 Assignment Duration: Locums Facility Type: Group Practice Call Required: Yes Board Certification Required: Yes Government: No Reference ID: ORD-063601-MD-OH Job Posting ID: 1002905


Posted in Pickerington, OH, Government
From Jobs2Careers - 1 month ago