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Coach, MCPS Countywide Pole Vault Coach, Athletic Unit - (Rockville, MD)

Details on the hours and compensation for this coaching position can be found in the most recent copy of the "Extracurricular Activities (ECA) Handbook" which is located on the MCPS website. http://www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/uploadedFiles/departments/ersc/employees/timekeepers/eca_handbook_current.pdf Additional details on extracurricular stipends can be found in the MCEA Contract under article 20. http://www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/uploadedFiles/departments/associationrelations/teachers/MCEA_Contract.pdf MCPS Position details To be an athletics coach in MCPS, an candidate must be interviewed and hired by the principal or designee at the school where the coaching vacancy exists. Coaches must be qualified and are hired for 1 season. Schools must hire qualified MCPS teachers or professional certified educators to coaching positions, if available. Emergency coaches may be hired if no qualified MCPS teacher or professional certified educator is available.


Posted in Rockville, MD, Education
From TopUSAJobs - 1 month ago