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Licensed Life & Health Insurance Agents - Free Mail Leads - $100k - $300k - - (Oklahoma City, OK)

LIFE & HEALTH INSURANCE AGENTS - This is Your Dream Sales Job. Retirement And Mortgage Protectors Has the Best Sales Opportunity - Ever. We Provide Sales Leads that you can sell from home or your clients home. Our Primary Markets are Mortgage Protection, Retirement Protection, and Estate Protection. We Provide Quality Coverage that can Pay-Off their home if they die. Or, if they live from a Critical or Chronic Illness, become Sick or Injured and cannot perform two of the six daily acts of living for 90 days. They may also apply for a Return of Premium if they do not use the benefits during your Term Period. We offer many more products to fit your client's needs - including Wills, Trusts, Retirement and Estate Planning. We are IMO's with Top Commission Contracts - We Pay You Top Commission Contracts. Our FREE Lead Program Can Increase Your Income 5-Times or more: Make what you need to make - $100,000, $200,000, $300,000. Most Agents See and Sell 5-times as many prospects per week.


Posted in Oklahoma City, OK, Sales
From TopUSAJobs - 1 month ago