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Superb Survey CAD Tech - (Denver, CO)

Job details: Use software and other tools to create maps for survey and engineering purposes; this encompasses the expertise to draft field surveys, topographic surveys, boundary surveys, construction layout, base maps, well location certificates and cadastral research. Also perform office calculations and conversions as needed. Position Purpose: Process raw survey data and perform QA/QC Maintain and update internal survey and monumentation datasets and records Draft survey legal documents, including Monument Record, Land Survey Plats, ROW and Easement exhibits Expected Results: Monument Records and Land Survey Plats are finalized and delivered to regulatory agencies in a timely manner Research documents are downloaded and organized in existing folder structure Survey and monumentation datasets are fully described and maintained in centralized database Project base maps contain accurate and fully described boundary details, such as easements, section lines, ROW, property lines etc.


Posted in Denver, CO, Manufacturing
From ApplicantPRO - 1 month ago