landscape laborers - (West Jordan, UT)
ROCK CHUCKERS, LLC 5415 W LEO PARK RD, WEST JORDAN, UT 84081 (801-502-XXXX): LANDSCAPE LABORER: TEMPORARY FULL-TIME POSITION. 4 (4) POSITIONS OPEN: April 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019. Send resumes to FAX: 801-606-XXXX, apply in person, or Email your resume directly to SWA at;, reference job order #1930265. Work areas include: Salt County-Cities: Salt Lake City, West Jordan, South Jordan, Draper, Sandy, Bluffdale, Riverton, Kearns, Taylorsville, West Valley. Utah County-Cities: Provo, Orem, Lehi, American Fork, Eagle Mountain, Saratoga Springs. Job qualifications include: General landscape labor. Raking and shoveling areas to prep for landscape materials. Placing weed barrier prior to installing xera-scape which is a colored rock landscape material or bark mulch. Raking landscape materials to a finish grade. Sweeping streets and parking lots after the project is complete. General landscape maintenance.
From Recruitology - 1 month ago