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Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation in DE - PM&R Physician Need in Wo - (Wilmington, DE)

A wonderful inpatient physical medicine and rehabilitation physician with leadership potential is available just 30 minutes outside of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. You will work in 1 of the nicest rehab hospitals in the area. They offers both inpatient and outpatient rehab therapy staffed with PT, OT, and SLP therapists, excellent nursing care, and a variety of additional healthcare services that are tailored for each patient. The incoming physicians will be doing consults only and each take approx five to 20 minutes. There will be a full case load of 50 to 70 patients which need to be seen three times per week. You will not be administering therapy, but measuring progress and monitoring pain thresholds. Some physicians will be covering 2 locations, alternating visits during the week.You can work either full- or part time, as long as you see all the patients. This is a physician directed rehab program where you will be the solo physician. This employed position offers an excellent compensation.


Posted in Wilmington, DE, Medical & Healthcare
From TopUSAJobs - 1 month ago