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Sports Medicine need in Sikeston, MO (Maryville,MO) - (Maryville, MO)

Sports Medicine Need in Sikeston, MO Hospital is looking for a Primary Care physician with a Sports fellowship to work directly with an established Orthopedic Surgeon. Applicant will be housed with the Orthopedic Surgeon and will handle most non-surgical Orthopedic cases. Orthopedic physician often sees over 60 patients per day when in clinic. Compensation based on MGMA salary survey + full benefits + potential loan repayment. Sikeston is geographically situated just north of the \"Missouri Bootheel\" although many locals consider Sikeston a part of it. By way of Interstate 55, Interstate 57, and U.S. Route 60, Sikeston is close to the halfway point between St. Louis, Missouri and Memphis, Tennessee. Nashville is just a three hour drive. Easy 30 minute drive to Cape Girardeau, MO. GB-1706-72918


Posted in Maryville, MO, Salon & Fitness
From Jobs2Careers - 1 month ago