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Postdoctoral Research Associate, Basic Medical Sciences (Gross Anatomy Lab) - (Tucson, AZ)

Position DetailsPosition InformationTitlePostdoctoral Research Associate, Basic Medical Sciences (Gross Anatomy Lab) (Phoenix, AZ)DepartmentCOM Phx Basic Medical Sci (0660)LocationGreater Phoenix AreaPosition SummaryA postdoctoral position is available to teach gross anatomy under the supervision of Dr. Rebecca Fisher in the Department of Basic Medical Sciences at the University of Arizona College of Medicine - Phoenix. Current faculty research areas in the department include: phylogenetics and mammalian paleontology; human and primate skeletal anatomy; paleoanthropology; bioarchaeology and paleopathology; and vertebrate and invertebrate functional anatomy.The Department of Basic Medical Sciences is a multidisciplinary unit composed of faculty with research interests in cardiac and vascular biology; developmental, cell and molecular biology; evolution of vertebrate morphology; gene environment interactions and epigenetics; host-microbe interactions and immunology; medical education; platform development


Posted in Tucson, AZ, Science & Research
From TopUSAJobs - 1 month ago