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Dispatch Representative - Hauppauge - (Hauppauge, NY)

Altice Technical Services US is a business entity within the Altice family of companies. Altice Technical Services US is a 1st of its kind national services organization capable of deploying and implementing cutting edge video, internet and voice products and networks to the consumer. We promote the culture of an innovative start-up company that is intensely focused on providing the highest level of service to our clients. Altice Technical Services is responsible for the technical service delivery from the execution at our head ends through to the customer premise. You have an opportunity to be on the ground floor of something new and exciting as we innovate and introduce services such as fiber to the home and bring Generation Gigaspeed to life. Open House Event - Please attend We are Hiring Dispatch Representative Date: Thursday, March seventh, 2019 Time: 11:30am-4pm Location: 1600 Motor Pkwy Hauppauge, NY 11788


Posted in Hauppauge, NY, Security
From Jobs2Careers - 1 month ago