12K Plumber - (Middletown, IA)
12K Plumber Job ID: Job Views: eight Location: MIDDLETOWN, Iowa, United States ZIP Code: 52638 Job classification: Engineer Posted: 11.15.2018 Age Qualifications: Must be between the ages of seventeen and 35 Position details Clean, running water and heat are necessities of life, and as a Plumber for the Army National Guard, you'll train for a career that will always be in demand. In this role, you will work on pipe systems for water, steam, and waste, as well as hydraulic and pneumatic systems. Duties include reading drawings, plans, and specifications, planning the layout of pipe systems, and installing and maintaining pipe systems and plumbing fixtures. This will require the expertise to work with pipe made of various materials and different pipe connection methods.
From Get It, LLC - 1 month ago