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Event Ticketing & Sales Program - (Wheatland, CA)

Mommy Jobs On-line agents on the Event Ticketing & Sales Program will take inbound customer service calls and will talk to buyers and sellers to answer questions and to ensure that every customer interaction provides a great entertainment background. Contractors will provide 1st call resolution or determine the appropriate triage route. Contractors will need to have some current understanding and interest in sports, music and theater. Contractors must be fast thinkers with strong communication abilities who can clearly answer questions and anticipate future needs. Requirements Superior Customer Service: Contractors must have a positive and professional demeanor, with responsive customer service to provide white glove service. Outstanding communication abilities: Contractors must be able to show good verbal and written correspondence abilities to ensure that seller and buyer will be loyal customers. Issue solving abilities: Contractors need to be strong independent problem solvers to research ticketing issues.


Posted in Wheatland, CA, Sales
From TopUSAJobs - 1 month ago