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QA Test Engineer (Pittsfield,MA) - (Pittsfield, MA)

Let companies apply to you, not the other way around. Sign up with Hired to get access to thousands of companies currently hiring QA test automation engineers.As a QA test automation engineer, you will develop and build automated tests using specialized programming languages and tools. You can mulask and work efficiently in a team setting on critical projects to get them done. Our QA test automation engineers are self-motivated and display leadership qualities. We welcome diversity and encourage healthy debate and discussion. WHAT WE NEED YOUR HELP WITH: Performing automation testing to web-based applications Maintaining existing automated tests and tools Implementing, designing and coming up with solutions to automate most manual testing preparation Creating, executing and maintaining test automation scripts Ability to write comprehensive test cases and test plans Identify, document and track bugs


Posted in Pittsfield, MA, Technical Support
From ListedBuy - 1 month ago