Digital Editor - (Richmond, VA)
Virginia Lawyers Weekly is looking for a journalist who wants to spearhead our on-line news efforts. We need someone to help develop our on-line strategy and manage our website. Our newspaper and web sitehave been the commonwealth's top sources of legal details for attorneys since 1986. We keep lawyers up to date by providing the latest legal news and digests of the most current decisions from Virginia's state and federal courts. The digital editor will be responsible for generating and managing on-line content for the company website. He or she will be responsible for production of our digital efforts, including our daily e-newsletter, and he or she will assist with weekly production of the newspaper. The digital editor also will write articles for Virginia Lawyers Weekly and the website. The ideal candidate will have proven news judgment, curiosity and an understanding of the news and digital needs of a niche professional market.
From TopUSAJobs - 1 month ago