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Project Manager - Education Services - Westerville, OH - (Westerville, OH)

Project Manager - Education Services - Westerville, OH The Project Manager is responsible for developing, planning, organizing and cost controlling procedures to ensure compliance with customer specific contract qualifications. The Project Manager is responsible for the performance of services to the customer and ultimately the retention of the client as a customer.? Has direct responsibility for supervising custodians and supervisors for the account, staffing all shifts with supervisors and service personnel including hiring and training. It is imperative the manager implements quality control programs, controls inventory for the sites, and works with the customer's personnel at the site to address and make an action plan for any service issues.? The manager must also perform the following duties personally or through other supervisory personnel: overseeing inspections, quality control


Posted in Westerville, OH, Science & Research
From Get It, LLC - 1 month ago