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Accounting Co-op - (Springdale, AR)

Businesses Pratt & Whitney Job ID 01295837 Date posted 03/01/2019 City Springdale State Arkansas Country United States Date Posted: 2019-02-27-08:00 Country: United States of America Location: PW108: Springdale AR 275 E Robinson Avenue, Springdale, AR, 72764 USA Pratt and Whitney is a world leader in aircraft engines and aux power units. Headquartered in East Hartford, Connecticut, the company has locations around the United States and across the world. We are a global leader in aviation propulsion and we are behind many of the major advances in both military and commercial engines. We design, manufacture and service aircraft engines, aux and ground power units, and small turbojet propulsion products. Our Accounting department is recruiting one Accounting Co-op positions to begin immediately. This position is designed to be both educational and practical. We are seeking a applicant who can work ~20 hours per week for a min of three semesters (1 full year).


Posted in Springdale, AR, Accounting & Finance
From Equest - 1 month ago