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Security Officer II - (West Columbia, SC)

High-school diploma required, college diploma preferred Basic Function: The Security Officer responds to and resolves calls for service, monitors patients as necessary and patrols the District to ensure the safety and security of patients, visitors and staff. Requirements: 1. Expertise to read and write English fluently and follow both written and oral directions. 2. Expertise to communicate well with others. 3. Must possess a South Carolina Law Enforcement Division Security Officer License or attain license within the 1st month of employment. 4. Must possess International Association of Healthcare Safety and Security Basic Certification or attain certification within 1st 12 mnths of employment. 5. High-school degree or equivalent. 6. Background with Windows Operating System (Word, Excel, Microsoft powerpoint). 7. Must possess a valid South Carolina drivers license. 8. Must successfully complete initial and annual Department Physical Fitness Test. 9.


Posted in West Columbia, SC, Security
From Jobs2Careers - 1 month ago