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Travel Physical Therapist 13 Weeks in St Paul, MN - (St Paul, MN)

Advanced Travel Therapy is currently seeking the ideal candidate to fill a 13-week travel physical therapist (PT) assignment. This travel PT assignment is located at a prestigious rehabilitation facility in the St Paul area. Job assignments and responsibilities for this position include; maintaining a high-level of productivity in the utilization of physical therapy related background and services, interacting in alignment with physician instruction and developing and implementing rehabilitation strategies for patient rehab. Once hired, the successful applicant will be required to work as a member of an interdisciplinary team and demonstrate a level of familiarity with computerized document completion as well as Medicare billing documentation procedures. New Graduate physical therapists are encouraged to apply for this position. Advanced offers outstanding programs specifically for New Grads. These include things like tuition reimbursement, free continuing-ed courses, and experienced mentorship.


Posted in St Paul, MN, Medical & Healthcare
From TopUSAJobs - 1 month ago