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Quality Control Technician - (Bethpage, NY)

We are seeking an experienced, dedicated Quality Control Technician to join our team. In this position, you will maintain quality standards by approving incoming materials, in-process production, finished products, and recording the results. Strong communication and leadership skills are a must, as well as a keen attention to detail. Responsibilities: -Approve incoming materials by confirming specifications, conducting a visual test, and rejecting and returning unacceptable materials -Approve in-process production by confirming required specifications, conducting visual tests, and communicating the required adjustments to the production supervisor -Approve all finished products by confirming specifications and conducting required tests -Maintain safe working atmosphere by following standards and procedures and complying with legal regulations Working hours: 8:00 PM - 4:00 AM Skills: -Technical skills -Effective communication abilities, including the expertise to explain and teach


Posted in Bethpage, NY, Technical Support
From Logic Melon - 1 month ago