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Sterility Assurance Technician - Sterility Testing & Microbiology Required - (Montvale, NJ)

This is a contract opportunity for Sterility Assurance Technician located in Sinking Spring, PA Summary: Coordinate the day-to-day laboratory functions such as media preparation, growth, promotion, microbial identification and sterility testing of product and biological indicators. Coordinate the environmental monitoring program. Manage and control the inventory of laboratory reagents, supplies and biological indicators. Schedule and coordinate the maintenance of critical laboratory equipment such as steam autoclaves, incubators, etc. Manage, generate and organize environmental monitoring and bioburden reports which directly feed into the quality system. Provide microbiological testing support for validation activities (facilities, manufacturing and engineering) Review routine sterilization cycles and laboratory test results for conformance. Maintain and develop SOPs regarding the microbiology laboratory and sterility assurance.


Posted in Montvale, NJ, Science & Research
From Get It, LLC - 1 month ago