Store Assistant, Full Time - (Northwood, OH)
Position summary Circle K is a great place to work! Here is why: We know that you can work anywhere. However, working at Circle K is the start of something great! While you make it easy for our customers, we focus on you and your development! Our people make us who we are. We want to see you grow, so we put growing together at the forefront of everything we do. It is our duty to provide you with the tools and resources that you need to succeed. Joining Circle K means joining a team that is devoted to you! Min Requirements High-school diploma or GED preferred. Background in retail sales preferred. Expertise to work in the conditions described below. Expertise to perform essential duties and physical functions described below. Expertise to work as scheduled and arrives on time. Posses a valid driver's license and adequate transportation to/from bank.
From TopUSAJobs - 1 month ago