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Entry level electrical engineer - (San Diego, CA)

Electrical Engineer-Great opportunity for an entry level applicant! Job qualifications include the drafting, design, maintenance and testing of the control system electrical composites for new equipment and aftermarket. The successful applicant will demonstrate an expertise to work with sales order engineering to troubleshoot/correct project issues and ensure that the standard products are updated through the Enterprise Change Request process. Additional duties include supporting internal customers on sales order execution issues and executing R&E projects. Job will require interfacing with various organizations at Solar utilizing superior written and verbal communications skills. Qualifications: Bachelor's Degree in Electrical Engineering with a 3.0 min GPA is required. The successful applicant will have a current expertise of engineering drawings and drafting software programs, ie AutoCad, IDA, Proms-e. The expertise to communicate ideas clearly is a must.


Posted in San Diego, CA, Architecture & Engineering
From Jobs-Search - 1 month ago