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Full stack software engineer - (Seattle, WA)

The University of Washington is seeking a Full Stack Software Engineer Required#162615 UW Details Technology (UW-IT) is the central details technology organization for the University of Washington, responsible for strategic planning, oversight, and direction of the UW's IT infrastructure, resources, and services. UW-IT provides critical technology support to all 3 campuses, UW medical centers, and research operations around the world. Info Management (IM) within UW-IT provides knowledgeable system design and administration, software engineering, and operational support for academic systems, administrative systems, and research computing. The Enterprise Info, Integration and Analytics unit (EIIA) at the University of Washington (UW) provides consistent and reliable architectures, guidelines, standards, tools, and services for data analysis, design, modeling, management, delivery, and integration of institutional data.


Posted in Seattle, WA, IT & software development
From Jobs-Search - 1 month ago