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Sales Associate Lead - (Las Vegas, NV)

Sales Associate Lead - New Retail Concept, Full-time: Fashion Show This new business unit within the Brand Background team is a narrative-driven concept store within select Macy's doors. Rotating retail installations curated around a themed subject matter introduce guests to a fresh array of products, brands, and experiences. Events that range from panel discussions to craft events bring each themed concept to life. Cross-category merchandising adds an expert curator's eye, delivering surprise and delight for customers. We are looking for smart, outgoing, creative, friendly, engaging and confident individuals for full-time Lead positions. Our Lead colleagues will oversee the New Retail Concept colleagues in the absence of the Manager. The Lead colleague will wear multiple hats; they will assist the New Retail Concept Manager in executing functions related to the designated brand background in store retail business. This person will also be responsible for assisting the Manager on daily operations.


Posted in Las Vegas, NV, Labor
From TopUSAJobs - 1 month ago