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Sr Software Engineer with Security Clearance - (Bayview, ID)

Sr Software Engineer Job Locations USA-ID-Bayview Job ID 2018-49320 Number of Positions one Job Function Details Technology Security Clearance Level None Full/Part-time Full-time Job overview This job position is located in Bayview, Idaho and will require a SECRET security clearance to be obtained/maintained. The Network/Software Engineer is responsible for maintaining and upgrading computer hardware and software that supports multiple test platforms. The System Software Engineer applicant shall be qualified in the following 3 areas: * Software development Programming background with at least 2 of the following: C, MATLAB, PERL, and Python. Practice software version control. Create and maintain software tools that control and/or monitor a diverse suite of remote hardware such as gyros, power distribution units, and cameras. Integrate software tools into a web interface so customers, technicians, and engineers can control and monitor processes remotely. * Network Administration Maintain small (


Posted in Bayview, ID, IT & software development
From ClearanceJobs - 1 month ago