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Plumbers / pipefitters apprenticeship - (Norwalk, OH)

NOTICE OF APPRENTICESHIP — PLUMBERS / PIPEFITTERS The Plumbers & Steamfitters Local #42 JATC is accepting applications for Apprentices: APRIL first to APRIL 20th, 2019 (Monday–Friday) 10:00 AM — 4:30 PM {And Saturday (April sixth, April 13th, April 20th, 2019) 8:00 AM — 12:00 PM Apply at: Local 42 Training Center Building, 187 Woodlawn Avenue, Norwalk, OH 44857 Each candidate must furnish the following at the time of the application: Birth Certificate (must be eighteen by July 1, 2019) High-school / GED Transcripts Copy of High-school diploma or Official Passing GED Report $35.00 no-refund registration fee (cash or checks only) Must have a valid Driver’s License Candidates must live within Local 42 jurisdiction. [This includes the counties of: Ashland, Crawford, Erie, Huron, Knox, Lorain, Morrow, Richland and Wyandot] Candidates will be subject to drug testing and experience investigation upon acceptance. Previous Plumbing, Pipefitting, or Welding experience is a plus.


Posted in Norwalk, OH, Construction & Trades
From Jobs-Search - 1 month ago