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Inventory Associate|Distribution - (South Bend, IN)

* POSITION SUMMARY + Reports to the Materials Manager. Working directly with the Inventory Control Coordinator, the Inventory Associate replenishes, distributes and assembles medical supplies according to departmental policies and procedures. Provides exceptional customer service when delivering supplies and maintains adequate supply levels for internal customers. * MISSION & VISION + Mission: To enhance the physical, mental and emotional well-being of the communities we serve as the community's provider of outstanding quality, superior value and comprehensive health care services. Vision: Our vision is to achieve: o Innovative health care and well-being services of the highest quality at the greatest value o Easy access and convenience o Outstanding patient experiences o Ongoing education involving physicians, patients and the community * JOB SPECIFICATIONS + Education and Background o The knowledge


Posted in South Bend, IN, Retail & Wholesale
From Equest - 1 month ago