STYLISTS or - (Fort Lauderdale, FL)
Looking for stylists and manager(s) in Miami to work at area Great Clips salons. three salons in Westchester, Kendall and Hammocks area. Immediate start for both full time and part time stylists. Must have Florida Cosmetology or Barbers License. Bi-lingual, English & Spanish preferred, not required. Buscando estilistas y gerentes en Miami para trabajar en los salones de Great Clips del rea. three salones en la zona de Westchester, Kendall y Hammocks. Inicio inmediato tanto para estilistas a tiempo completo como a tiempo parcial. Debe tener licencia de cosmetologa o barberos de Florida. Bilinge, Ingls y espaol preferido, no requerido. Call or text (786) 209-XXXX or email to apply or arrange an interview.
From Get It, LLC - 1 month ago