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Quality urance (QA) Lead - (Oklahoma City, OK)

Required ID: 119487 BASIC PURPOSE : Improve the overall software quality of Point of Sale (POS) and payments applications in use at Love’s by implementing processes and technology that create a balance of high quality testing and expedience. The implementation of automation and technology will be a core responsibility of this resource. Liaise among stakeholders and IT personnel in order to elicit, analyze, communicate and validate requirements so as to provide effective and resourceful business and technology solutions. MAJOR RESPONSIBILITIES: Key role in defining and implementing Quality urance (QA) processes and technology with a focus on automation. Ability to define, manage, and monitor QA processes while continually improving the overall software quality and turnaround time for changes. The implementation of QA for POS and Payment Processing applications requires a blend of core QA skills with an eye for customer experience effectiveness.


Posted in Oklahoma City, OK, Technical Support
From ListedBuy - 1 month ago