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GA - Research istant - (Bloomington, IL)

Position overview Request/Posting Number Classification le GA - Research istant Working le (F ) GA - Research and Program istant Job Class Type of Position Graduate istant Percent Appointment: 1-100 (For Student Employment and Graduate istant Only; state hours per week) .50 FTE (approximately twenty hours per week) Representation: Department Women's and Gender Studies - General Summary Graduate research istants are generally igned to individual faculty members to ist with their research, and the majority of the igned duties are tied to this research. The nature of the istance varies by discipline and can involve a variety of activities such as: 1. Library work 2. Proposal writing 3. Data gathering 4. Data analysis 5. Social Media 6. Student Recruitment 7. Office Duties 8. Running errands For this position, duties will include but are not limited to: 1.


Posted in Bloomington, IL, Science & Research
From ListedBuy - 1 month ago