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QC Chemist II (Wed - Sat 6:30 am - 5:00 pm) - (Bedford, NH)

JOB DETAILS This position will have responsibility for supporting all activities in the Quality Control Laboratory. This includes the testing of in-process samples, finished product SAMPLES, stability samples and raw materials. This may also include assisting in the performance of instrument validations, cleaning validations, and method requirements as deemed appropriate by management. POSITION ASSIGNMENTS Perform routine analytical testing of samples supporting incoming raw materials, in-process production, finished product, stability and validation samples. Troubleshoot assay and instrumentation issues as necessary Assist in deviation investigation, out-of-specification or aberrant results and process changes Author and/or review of GMP documentation including test methods, protocols, reports and raw data


Posted in Bedford, NH, Science & Research
From ApplicantPRO - 1 month ago