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Education, Publications and Quality Team Coordinator #2019-2448 - (Washington, DC)

Education, Publications and Quality Team Coordinator The Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions (SCAI) is seeking a highly-motivated coordinator to support the society's Education, Publications and Quality (EPQ) Team. Reporting to the Vice President of Education, Publications and Quality, you will provide general administrative support to the department's management team, assist in the coordination of committee and clinical interest council calls and activities, and coordinate the development of key products across a portfolio, including live and on-line CME-certified educational activities, clinical documents, and quality improvement initiatives. Interventional cardiology is a tremendously interesting, important, and constantly changing field where you will be working with world premier experts in an organization with significant growth opportunities.


Posted in Washington, DC, Education
From TopUSAJobs - 1 month ago