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Part Time Tutor - Online Flexible Hours - (Jersey City, NJ)

Part-time Tutor - On-line Flexible scheduling Description: Superprof is a knowledge sharing tool that connects those who want to learn and those who want to teach. Do you want to share your knowledge? Everyone has something to learn! We are looking for tutors and mentors throughout the year in all of the US to give private lessons in many academic and non-academic areas: Math, English, French, Spanish, Physics, Chemistry, Coding, Swimming, Music, Art, Dancing, etc. Profile: You have a high-school degree and maybe some college background You want to convey your knowledge and skills to students Like us, you think everyone has something to share. Advantages: An attractive pay, clear and predictable An autonomous schedule A multitude of students at your hand The expertise to give lessons via webcam Compensation: Depending on the profile, starting from $15 / h.


Posted in Jersey City, NJ, Education
From Get It, LLC - 1 month ago