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Paid CDL Truck Driver Training - (Jonesville, MI)

Time for a Job Change?Make more of yourself and for yourself: if you are considering a job change and want a professional career, choose the transportation industry. Roehl Transport will pay you to get your valid drivers license & earn a great a living as a professional truck driver. Trucking companies across America advertise for free truck driver training. Roehl will pay you and train you while you get your valid drivers license, the license you need to drive a commercial motor vehicle.Roehl drivers are on track to make $60,000+!Here are the basics of the program: Training to obtain your valid drivers license is part of the job. You are hired and paid as an employee on day 1. You'll be paid $500 a week while you get your valid drivers license. Your valid drivers license training is 4 weeks and is available in multiple locations. After you have your valid drivers license, you'll continue your on-the-job training as a long haul truck driver.


Posted in Jonesville, MI, Education
From TopUSAJobs - 1 month ago